
Lolita Blog Carnival: Personnal lolita goals for 2015

~My lolita new years resolutions~

*Get to know my local community
(there is a meeting in january, I hope I won't be too shy >///<)
*Take more pictures of my daily outfits
*Learn new hairstyles that are more suited for classic lolita
*Buy more brown clothes 
*Buy underskirts! I'm quite tall so I need my skirts to be at least 57cm long... (and slightly longer skirts look better with classic in my opinion.)
*Find some casual lolita clothes for work!! (Hopefully I'll be a librarian in september 2015 >_< I can't wait to actually work!)

A small wishlist:

Other participants' posts:

Sparkling girl


Happy international lolita day!

Happy international lolita day!

I'm very sorry about the lack of posts in the last couple of months...I'm incredibly busy with university and I don't have time for anything ç_ç'
 I'll have more time to post soon, so stay tuned <3


~Building my classic wardrobe II: colors! ~

I got/ ordered quite a lot of classic item, so I decided to make an article about it~
Hopefully I'll post outfits with all that soon!

Victorian Maiden's swallowtail short coat

 It fits perfectly, and the fabric is incredibly soft and warm <3 And the most important: it looks good with most of my wardrobe!

Innocent World's Triple stripes skirt
I needed some bordeaux/wine in my wardrobe~ I love the striped fabric!
This skirt is great for casual and "normal" lolita~

I'm trying to incorporate some brown in my wardrobe.
Brown has grown on me these last months, but I didn't know how to wear it, with which color it would look best...
 And I finally found the perfect dress to start:

I actually have the same dress (with a floral fabric), so I know I'll love it.

And I also found matching item for a first coordination:

Innocent World's Millefeuille bolero

Innocent World's infamous Violin tote bag (it comes with this mook)

 I hesitated a lot before finally getting it. But since I want to wear brown now, I have no reason not to get it !

I don't own the blouse or the shoes, so I won't be able to wear this exact coordination ç_ç

I'll now need some brown/ivory shoes, coat and accessories...
And maybe later I'll even try brown x light pink coordinations~?


Lolita Blog Carnival: Create your own lolita substyle

(I first intended to post it for the LBC, but I didn't have time then...)
If I had to create my own lolita substyle it would be....

Angel lolita

One of my favourite motif in lolita in angels. Angels was really popular in the old school lolita days, and I'm glad to say that some brand still have angel prints~

Angel lolita is not about wearing wings , but wearing soft and heavenly fabrics in soft colors, as well as  angel prints and discreet yet cute accessories.




~ Accessories~

